FormulaPro Calculator Version 1.0 Overview FormulaPro is a calculator tool that you can use to facilitate the solution of problems related with a large amount of arithmetic formulas. If needed, the formulas can be divided into separate tables, according to the logical structure of your problem. FormulaPro editor makes very easy entering and editing formulas, and handling syntax errors. You can also save your formulas, as well as their results, in the special FormulaPro *.fpd format or export them to HTML. How to Register? Unregistered version can be used during 30 days after installation. You can order the fully licensed version of FormulaPro over the Internet from RegNow with any major credit card. The ordering page is on a secure server, ensuring that your confidential information remains confidential. After it you will receive the serial number which will register your copy of FormulaPro. If you would not like to use you credit card in the Internet; see order.txt for details. After receiving the registration code, enter it to the FormulaPro About dialog. Installation The FormulaPro.msi file is a setup program that, when run, will install FormulaPro. The setup file also registers an uninstaller, so FormulaPro will be listed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog box in the Windows Control Panel, and can be uninstalled from this dialog box. Microsoft Installer for Windows NT/2000 [1742 Kb] Microsoft Installer for Windows 95/98/Me [1779 Kb] ©2003 Yegor Tupitsyn. All rights reserved. |